I Hate The Guy Who Found A Winning Lottery Ticket After He Lost It

Brandon Bell. Getty Images.

UPI News - A Kentucky man who spent three months thinking he had thrown out a Powerball ticket worth $50,000 came across it by chance in a company car.

"About a week later, I go back to the store to buy a Diet Mountain Dew when the owner tells me, 'Congratulations,'" Perdue recalled. "I said, 'For what?' And she said, 'You won the lottery.' I said, 'I wish.' She said, 'You did, I have you on video.'"

Perdue said he and his wife searched high and low for the ticket, but started to fear it may have been thrown in the trash.

Perdue, who works as president of Kiriu USA, said he was hosting a visitor from another plant earlier this month and went out to check on the condition of a company car for the visitor to use.

He said he opened the door and spotted the ticket on the front seat.

"I look down and saw it," Perdue said. "I picked it up and I saw October 30th and I said, 'That's my ticket!'"

He said the car is rarely used, and the ticket must have fallen out of his pocket the last time he drove it last year.

The couple said they are considering taking a vacation with the prize money.

"She asked me last night what I wanted to do with it," Perdue said.

"You've only had three months to think about it," his wife said.

I HATE this guy. Obviously congrats, and great story, and I'm sure he deserves it, yada yada yada. But I can still say it I HATE this guy. The small chance that this guy just happened to win the lottery, think he lost the ticket only to find it untouched on the front seat of a company car three months later and collect the prize makes me sick. Let me clarify, I have zero ill will to this guy specifically but I despise that he found something he thought he lost, because I never can. 

I hate losing things. Now part of me should know that part of the reason I lose things is because I'm very unorganized but that's besides the point. I despise looking through boxes or thinking I put something in a specific spot only to have no idea where it is, or it's not in that specific bin and all hell breaks loose. I need to find it, I become obsessed. If I don't I get livid. I still remember things I've lost to this day and get angry every time I think about them. 

An argyle Lacoste sweater  in college … (similiar but much nicer) (keep in mind it was 2006)

pairs of sunglasses … 

lucky tshirts … 

etc etc … the list goes on. 

Haven't ever found any of them over the years, and this lucky shit finds a lottery ticket he thought he threw away three months later? Fuck him. He's just rubbing it in at this point. 

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